Friday, March 20, 2009

Gen's B'Day

Last Week, on Friday, about 20 of us went to celebrate Genevieve's birthday. At first, there was study programme, so we split up to do our own separate things. One group went to Safra to play pool and air Hockey. Later on, everyone met up outside Seoul Garden, intending to eat Buffet. It was too expensive for some people, however, so everyone decided to try out Swensens.

It wasn't really crowded there, but in order to fit the number of people, we had to attach a lot of tables end to end, which meant that it was really troublesome to move out if you were seated on the inside. After everyone was seated, there were a lot of jokes, laughter, and talking about random stuff. Ordering the food was a hassle, but it was done anyway...

People were still joining our group when the food arrived, and everyone begun stuffing themselves with the delicious food. Soon after, our bellies were filled, and everybody started to talk yet again. That was when the Swensens staff decided that it was time to serve the Birthday Cakes, and forced Gen to stand on a chair while everyone sang a song for her.

One very nice family joined the singing as well, which added to the spirit. A moment after the song ended, a mischievous waiter burst three balloons behind everybody, causing us to jump and turn around. But everyone got over the shock quickly, and started a photo taking spree, the results of which would be in the links below.

The cakes were consumed quickly, and we all headed to the open-air place called open plaza, where someone produced a pack of cards, and we proceeded to play a game called "Winked Murderer". Needless to say, in the dim lighting, some people's 'winks' could not be seen, and it was confusing at times, but everyone still enjoyed it.

After all the fun, our group disbanded at around 10.10 or so, and we all proceeded home.
As I Promised, additional Photos from other people's Sites... (This one's the Birthday Girl) (Scroll down for this one)

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